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Whole Chicken (XL)

Whole Chicken (XL)

6.75+ lbs ($35 set price)

One of the simplest and most delicious dinners! Best bang for your buck. Great for when company visits or for households that like to have left-overs stretch a few days! Be sure to save the bones for bone broth!  

The weight range could be between 6.75 - 8lbs

Our chickens are raised outdoors, and moved daily to new grass. The ones you find in the supermarket are cooped up in a huge building with thousands of other birds with "access" to the outdoors, allowing them to be called "free range". Visit our farm and you'll love what you see. Visit their farms (as if you could) and you would be dismayed at the misrepresentation. Buy our chickens. You'll taste the difference and be healthier for it.